A 50th wedding anniversary is always a good reason for celebration. When the happy couple are your mom and dad it’s time to really push the boat out. Also known as a golden wedding, gifts you pick should match your feelings. Anniversary gifts for parents are a way to show them how much you appreciate all they have done. Not just for each other, but other siblings, relatives and friends. Everybody around them will be proud of their achievements and be wanting to give them a gift to mark the event. But yours will need to be a little bit different. After all they are your parents, and have raised you with love and devotion over many years.
Wedding anniversary celebrations are an age old tradition. The origin of such an important event is a little bit hazy. Some say we have the Holy Roman Empire to thank. While others say that we should look to medieval Germany. Whichever is right, there is one common factor. Significant milestones such as a 25th or 50th wedding anniversary were marked by giving the wife a wreath made of either silver or gold. Not quite the gift your mom is longing to receive. However, gold is still the recognized theme for a 50th wedding anniversary.
Give them something gold, or golden, or why not give them something completely different? After all not everyone is enthralled with gifts made of gold. Your choice of gift really depends on your parent’s interests. Their preferences and having an idea of things they’d love to do will help to make your choice easier.
Here at goldenweddinggifts.com there’s one thing we’ve come to realize. Parents love to relive their memories, especially after fifty years as man and wife.
Golden anniversary presents for parents that will refresh their memories
No married couple will deny that marriage can sometimes be a very rocky road. Even the most successful marriages suffer times of feast and famine. Ups and downs are all part of married life. When a couple have reached their golden anniversary their love has seen them through it all. Life is so busy, and full of responsibilities, there is little time left to sit back, relax and remember all the good times. After fifty years of marriage your parents are finding they have much more time to reflect. But all their memories are randomly scattered. Gather some of them together, and give them to your parents for their golden wedding anniversary gift.
A scrapbook, photo album, however you want to present the memories. You’ll find a range of different designs, styles, colors, and materials. Add some personalization by including their names, date of the wedding and where they were married. Ask family and friends for contributions, and you’ll be surprised how quickly the pages are filled. Alternatively make their very own anniversary collage. By framing the items in a stylish frame. It doesn’t just have to be photos. Ask people to write poems, messages, quotes, in fact anything you think they’d love to see.
Another way to rekindle memories is to organize a golden wedding anniversary party. Inviting long lost family and friends.
Gold-Dipped Natural Rose
- It combines the beauty of a rose and the majesty of the gold.
- Presented in an exquisite leather case.
- It comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Display Gold Golf Ball
- Golf ball and tee both in pure 24k gold.
- A perfect compliment to any golfer's trophy shelf
- Ideal for mounting on a trophy and not intented for golf course use.
How to organize a golden wedding anniversary for your parents
Anniversary parties are very special occasions, as they are an excellent way to bring back precious memories of the couple’s special day. A wedding anniversary is also a way to celebrate a couple’s enduring love and devotion to each other. Together with family and friends, the couple can commemorate the day they swore undying love for each other. And to take care of each other in sickness and in health. Bear in mind the feelings of your parents when deciding on the scale of your party. Because not everyone enjoys fanfares, trumpets, and the red carpet treatment. Some couples will prefer a celebration that is far more low key.
In order to organize the party properly you will need to start the preparations early. Follow our to-do-list, and the party will be one of the best 50th anniversary ideas for your parents.
One month ahead of your parent’s anniversary
You’ll find things a lot easier to organize with a helpful guide to refer to. Hey presto, that’s why we’re here. First ask yourself a few questions:
When will the party be held? – Weekends or a weekday
- Where will you hold the party? – It could be held in your home, a function room, hotel, or restaurant.
- Who are you going to send invites to? – Big bash or more intimate affair? It all depends on the feelings of your parents.
- Decide on your budget – Set aside a pot of money and plan carefully how you’re going to spend it.
Three weeks before your parents anniversary party
Time to get down to the nitty gritty and take care of the details.
- Are you planning to feed the guests? – If you want to enjoy the party as well then make sure there is enough in the budget to book outside caterers. You might organize a buffet, or a more formal sit down meal. Just make sure whichever option you choose there is time for people to mingle.
- What about the decorations? – If you’re planning to hold the party in a more formal setting such as a function room, hotel or restaurant you might be lucky in that the venue will organize the decoration. You might want to provide some photographs or a poster of the couple to make the decoration a little more personal.
- Karaoke, live band or DJ? – Having the party in your home means the entertainment is already laid on in the form of your own stereo. But you might want to think about the entertainment if you’re holding the party in another location.
- Remember the favors – It’s become very popular for party guests to receive favors. A memento of the special event. The favors don’t have to be extravagant or expensive. Popular ideas include personalized mint tins, glasses, coasters and much more.
Golden anniversary gifts for mom and dad, or a gift they can enjoy together?
The choice between the two is entirely yours, and of course the preferences of your parents. If you want to buy your dad a wedding anniversary gift for him and your mom a wedding anniversary gift for her you could consider jewelry for them both. As gold is the theme your options are wide open, just remember to bear their personal taste in mind. We particularly like the idea of a gold dipped rose for mom and a gold dipped golf ball and tee set for dad.
However, we also think that a gift they can share and enjoy together will be a far more thoughtful golden wedding anniversary gift. If your parents love to travel and have always dreamt of visiting a certain vacation spot, time to fulfill their wishes. Just like the guy we found on YouTube who gave his parents a fully inclusive vacation to Hawaii.
If an all expenses paid vacation is a little out of your price range there are still plenty of affordable options. Ask them for some suggestions, as we bet there are places closer to home they’ve always longed to visit. Alternatively give them a bed and breakfast certificate so they can choose where to stay for themselves. Another great option would be to give them a number of restaurant vouchers, so they can enjoy eating out more often. Or take them to the restaurant of their choice for an anniversary dinner.
Do you live a long distance away from your mom and dad, and constantly worry about them being lonely. There is a way you can arrange regular visits to your parents, whereby people sign up to take turns in providing various help and company in their own home. Or why not make your own gift certificates for things such as house cleaning, decluttering and yard work.
You may find your parents insisting there is nothing they need, but still you feel the need to do something to mark the occasion. So another popular option is to make a charitable donation in their name. Choose a charity with significant meaning to your parents or one that reflects their interests. And it isn’t just a monetary donation that would make an impact. Is there a park they enjoy visiting? Name a bench in their honor or plant a tree.
The only real limit to the possibilities for your parents wedding anniversary gift is your imagination. Whatever you decide make sure you give the various options careful consideration. Fifty years as man and wife, and a large proportion of those years as your mom and dad, deserve to be recognized with a gift that is meaningful. We’re pretty certain that whatever you decide they will treat your gift with the love it deserves. Remember the look of pride on your parents face when you brought that first handmade gift home from school? Time to see if you can top it.