50 years of married life is also know as a golden wedding anniversary. Couples celebrating five decades as husband and wife deserve to receive something really spectacular. Finding the perfect gift can be a nightmare, especially if you want your gift to stand out from the crowd. As you’ve found your way here we hope it’s safe to assume you’re one of those people currently struggling to find the best 50th anniversary gifts. And for you we’re about to make things a whole lot easier, with a website dedicated to 50th wedding anniversary gifts.
Over the course of a lifetime, it’s likely you will know a couple of lovely people celebrating a golden wedding anniversary. A fitting way of marking the occasion is with a golden wedding anniversary gift. It could be one of your parents, relatives, friends, neighbors or work colleague who is celebrating, but such a significant milestone is still worthy of a golden gift.
Golden wedding anniversary gifts for your wife
When it comes to wedding anniversary gifts for that special lady in your life you want something that reflects a truly special relationship. She’s your best friend, your soul mate, and a true companion. So your golden wedding anniversary presents for her should reflect your feelings. After 50 years of married life it’s time to push the boat out, and express what she means to you after all those years. Here are a few examples of the kind of golden wedding gifts that will melt her heart:
- Gold locket with a photograph of your wedding day that will bring back fond memories
- Gold bracelet engraved with a meaningful message
- Gold earrings inlaid with her birthstone
- Gold dipped rose
- Write her a love letter
- Take her on a romantic cruise
Golden wedding presents for your husband
How many times have you chosen presents for your husband that didn’t quite fit the bill? For your golden wedding anniversary gifts for him we’re going to help you reach heights only ever dreamt of. Fifty years of married life means he’s your best friend, confidante, shoulder to cry on, and your one true love. Therefore, it’s only fitting that you do everything in your power to make this anniversary special. Let’s share a few suggestions for the kind of 50th anniversary gifts that will show how much you really appreciate having him around.
- Gold monogrammed cufflinks
- Gold money clip or tie pin
- Gold dipped poker cards
- Cook him his favorite dinner or take him out for a meal
- Gold watch with a sentimental message engraved on the back
50th anniversary gifts for your parents
When it comes to choosing 50th wedding anniversary gifts for your parents, why not consider organising a special message from the President. Provided you’re a US citizen, you can request a congratulatory message to be sent from the President. But it can take up to 6 weeks so get that request in early. In Canada and Australia, the Governor General issues congratulatory letters to golden wedding anniversary couples. Those who reside in Commonwealth countries will have to wait until a 60th anniversary to receive congratulations from the Queen.
50th wedding anniversary gifts for friends
Are you looking for golden wedding anniversary gift ideas for a couple of friends? Have you been invited to a golden wedding anniversary party and don’t know what to bring? A special couple is deserving of a very special gift. You can choose to give them individual gifts or pick something they can enjoy together. We’ll be featuring lots of inspiration here on this website, but let’s get the ball rolling with a few of our ideas.
- Gold colored picture frame with a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day
- A gold trimmed anniversary plate or plaque, personalized with their names and wedding date
- A bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne
- Hot air balloon ride
- Restaurant gift coupons
Golden wedding anniversary gift ideas that are romantic
Do you feel that the romance has upped and walked away? Fifty years is a long time to keep the romance alive, so do your best to rekindle those feelings you first enjoyed. A romantic 50th wedding anniversary gift will remind you both of the love you share. There are plenty of ways you can do this. For example:
Take your wife back to the place you got married
- Treat her to a day in the place you first met
- Remind her of the reasons you fell in love with a love letter
- Treat your wife to a romantic dinner, with your own personal chef
- Renew your wedding vows and enjoy a second honeymoon
- Take her to the cinema and cuddle in the back row
Now you’ve got a few ideas under your belt it’s time to consider where the whole idea of wedding anniversaries came from, and why it’s important to celebrate such an event.
Who do you have to thank for the idea of wedding anniversaries?
It’s thought that the idea of celebrating a wedding anniversary came about in medieval Germany. Way back then it would have been quite an achievement for a coupe to remain in good health and celebrate significant wedding anniversaries, such as the twenty fifth and fiftieth. No wonder the theme picked for such events was silver and gold. Friends and family would present the wife with a silver wreath to congratulate the couple on their good fortune after 25 years, and a gold wreath on reaching their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Needless to say that way back then it didn’t happen very often.
Things moved on over the years, and more anniversaries came to be celebrated. But right up until the early 1900s it was only the most significant anniversaries that were considered worthy of a gift.
In 1937, some bright spark at the American National Retail Jewelry Association realized that a number of other no less significant anniversaries were being swept under the carpet. A more comprehensive list of wedding anniversary themes was compiled, with representative materials chosen for every year up to the 15th wedding anniversary. And every fifth year after that was given its own special theme. Regular updates have taken place to this list and today gift givers have modern and traditional wedding anniversary themes to choose from.
It was traditional for wedding anniversary gifts that were given for the earlier anniversaries to be more practical, household items. That would be seen as aids for the couple in setting up home. For later wedding anniversary gifts the items would be more luxurious, because the married couple already had everything they needed.
Now you know where the idea came from and how it’s developed over the years, let’s consider the importance of giving anniversary gifts.
Why it’s important to give people you love and respect an anniversary gift
Wedding anniversaries are worth celebrating, especially when you take into account all the wedding horror stories you read in the media. We read that up to 50% of modern marriages end in divorce. Which makes each passing year all the more significant, don’t you think?
Much like any other celebratory day, it’s worth putting in some time and effort to make the occasion memorable. And that doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars on a gift. There are lots of ways to celebrate a wedding anniversary. A wedding anniversary is the time to think about commitments and whether it’s time to rethink and make some new ones. It’s also a time to thank your spouse for all that you have done for each other. Married life is full of ups and downs. Good times and bad times, and some times you’d rather forget. Nevertheless you have stood next to each other and shouldered the burden together. Your love for each other has seen you through it all. So why shouldn’t you exchange gifts?
Still not convinced of the need for a gift? Let’s try and explain further, because gifts do matter.
The art of gift giving, and why it’s become a big part of our modern culture
The mysterious art of gift giving, or at least gift giving the best gift of all, has been a subject for economists, marketers, anthropologists, and psychologists to ponder over for years. They all seem to agree that giving gifts is a very complex, but nevertheless important part of the way we interact with each other. It serves to define our relationships, as well as strengthen bonds, both with family and friends. Who gains the most from gifts? You might think it’s the recipient, but psychologists might disagree. Often, the giver will reap the biggest gain psychologically, from the gift. So don’t give up hope, because you stand to enjoy the experience as much as the person receiving your gift. Crowds, traffic, and the frustration of commercialism may try and get in your way, but struggle through because it’ll all be worth it in the end.
There is also a social value to the act of giving that has been recognized throughout our history. Certain tribes today still practice the ancient feast of potlatch. It is a complex ceremony that celebrates extreme gift giving. There are variations in how the celebration is interpreted but often a given family’s status will be dictated not by their personal wealth, but by how much they have given away.
Now you understand the importance of giving a gift let’s continue with some awesome golden wedding anniversary presents for couples celebrating such an important milestone.
With our help finding perfect golden wedding anniversary gifts will be a piece of cake
A great way of showing someone how special they are is by making a golden wedding anniversary gift yourself. Consider one of the following, before you spend heaps at an online gift store.
- A bouquet of handpicked flowers – Why spend a fortune on a bouquet of shop bought flowers, when you can go out and find some yourself? The traditional flower associated with a golden wedding anniversary is the violet. Well there’s a surprise, you were thinking it was a yellow rose. Well in truth you’re partly correct, as yellow roses have become very popular for a 50th wedding anniversary gift.
- Make a scrapbook of special memories – Bet you’re thinking that’s a bit of a lame idea, but here at goldenweddinggifts.com we happen to disagree. Maybe it’s because we’re just a bunch of dewy-eyed individuals, but please don’t rule this option out straight away. Gather up some memorable photographs, and see what other mementos you can find pertaining to the couples married life together. And present them to the couple in a personalized scrapbook.
- Chocolates, made yourself – With the addition of some gold wrapping you can create a gift that is truly unique. And making your own chocolate gifts isn’t that hard. Take a look here.
- A golden anniversary basket – Find a gold colored basket, because obviously we’re not going to suggest the basket is made of gold. And fill it with ‘gold’ treats. You don’t need to worry about a lack of choice, because there are lots of great items that are helpfully wrapped in gold packaging. Coffee, tea, and chocolates are just a few examples. And if you can’t find what you want there is no hardship in wrapping the item in gold colored paper yourself The items in your golden basket can be tailored to suit individual needs with no problem. Or you can go the cheats route and buy a selection of items already gathered together and presented in a basket. But let’s admit it, that would be far more impersonal.
Do you want your gift to stand out from the rest at the couple’s golden wedding anniversary party? Because let’s face it we all want our gift to be better than anyone else’s. Let’s finish up this page with some further suggestions.
Golden wedding anniversary gifts that will long be remembered
When shopping for golden wedding anniversary gifts, it’s very easy to be tempted by one of the many generic gifts available. But everyone else will be picking one of those. And you want a special golden wedding anniversary gift. So that’s generic out of the window. After 50 years of wedding anniversary gifts, it’s about time the couple had something new and different. The couple will have a home that is already full to the rafters with trinkets and ornaments. And it’s highly likely there is nothing they really need. So a golden wedding anniversary is the perfect opportunity to think a little more out of the box.
Want to try something unusual? Consider one of the following:
- The gift of an experience – There aren’t enough pages on this website to make mention of all the possible options. Type “experience days in (location name)” into your search bar and prepare to be amazed at the number of hits.
- Lessons relating to a new pastime – The couple might be interested in learning something new such as a new style of dancing, painting, playing a musical instrument, or learning a new language. It’s never too late to try something new.
- Name a star in their honor – There are billions of stars in the sky, so there’s enough to go around. All you need to do is find one, and give it a special name.
We’ve already mentioned that a golden wedding anniversary is a special occasion. So you should do everything you can to make sure your gift lights up the occasion. Stay tuned for more brilliant ideas.